Control no lineal de un aerodeslizador no holonómico con acciones de control limitadas
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ISSN: 1697-7920
Year of publication: 2013
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Pages: 402-412
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista iberoamericana de automática e informática industrial ( RIAI )
This paper deals with the interesting problem of trajectory tracking of an underactuated hovercraf. This system is difficult to control because it exhibits second order nonholonomic restrictions on its movement. In order to solve the control problem the dynamics of the system is discomposed in two subsystems (one for position and another for orientation) and a nonlinear control law based on two nonlinear cascaded controllers is designed. On one hand the outer, loop computes the forces that are necessary to track the spatial trajectory Fx and Fy in the inertial frame. Based on this forces, the reference for the orientation ψc is computed and it is feedback to the inner loop. On the other hand, the inner loop tries to converge the orientation to the reference ψc given by the outer loop. Both controllers are designed taking into account saturation of the actuators. In fact the main result of this paper shows that if the reference trajectory is given properly it is possible to avoid saturation of the actuators. With adequate selection, global asymptotic stability of the tracking error under the proposed control law is theoretically demonstrated. In addition simulations are made in order to analyze the performance of the control law and the practical meaning of the theoretical results.
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