Análisis de la Innovación en Colaboración de la Empresa Europea con la Universidad: evolución 2008 -2014

  1. Bujidos Casado, María
  2. Navío Marco, Julio
  3. Rodrigo Moya, Beatriz
RUE: Revista universitaria europea

ISSN: 1139-5796

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Zenbakia: 28

Orrialdeak: 23-41

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: RUE: Revista universitaria europea


This article investigates the cooperation between businesses and universities through a comparative analysis at the European level (2008-2014), based on the CIS Survey (Eurostat). The objective is to study how innovation occurs in those companies that cooperate with the university and what are the determining factors for this relationship to create value. There is a worrying stagnation of the university-enterprise collaboration rates in the period analyzed at the European level, especially in the SMEs. We find that, despite the theoretical interest in finding ways to strengthen the role of universities as agents of innovation, the results do not accompany this postulate. The major contribution of this paper, besides confirming the situation at the European level with recent data, is the call of attention from the academic field facing the stagnation of this collaboration that must be strongly supported.