Entre Filosofía y No Filosofía. Un silencio, una espera, una conciencia

  1. López Sáenz, María del Carmen
Endoxa: Series Filosóficas

ISSN: 1133-5351

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Ensayos en honor de María Teresa Román

Issue: 42

Pages: 255-284

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5944/ENDOXA.42.2018.21827 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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This paper aims to justify, using the phenomenology of Husserl and Merleau-Ponty, the interrelation between philosophy and non-philosophy and, with it, the interaction of Western and Eastern thinking. In order to do this, we will deny, in the first place, their condition of opposites; later we will exemplify the possibilities of their exchanges by referring to phenomenology and to the Kyoto School, particularly to their respective conceptions of consciousness in which I and non-I do not oppose each other, but rather are part of a field of differences. The work of M.T. Román, especially her last book, acts as the common thread of our interpretation of Nishida’s phenomenological conscience and self, giving evidence of the importance of the «between» in order to establish mediations. Silence is one of its forms.

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