Investigación e Innovación en el grupo G-eLios de la UNED
- Manuel Castro 1
- Sergio Martin 1
- Félix García-Loro 1
- Rosario Gil 1
- Clara Pérez 1
- Elio San Cristóbal 1
- Gabriel Díaz 1
- África López-Rey 1
- María José Albert 1
- María García 1
- Llanos Tobarra 1
- Antonio Robles 1
- Rafael Pastor 1
- Roberto Hernández 1
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ISSN: 1699-4574
Any de publicació: 2019
Número: 30
Pàgines: 13-25
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: IE Comunicaciones: Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa
This article develops some of the main lines of research in the research group G-eLios of the UNED. The work in the field of remote laboratories will be described, focusing on the new developments through the federation of laboratories, mainly based on the VISIR electronics laboratory. It also presents the experience of implementing microelectronics courses with VISIR in a cloud architecture, and describes the work in several European projects aimed at improving the competitiveness of European companies through technologies such as the Internet of Things, Internet of the Energy and Cloud Computing. In addition, another of the most active lines of work is also introduced, such as learning analytics and big data.
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