Razones del feminismo frente a la arrogancia de la razón dominante

  1. Mª Carmen López Sáenz
Investigaciones fenomenológicas: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología

ISSN: 1137-2400 1885-1088

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 16

Pages: 233-258

Type: Article

More publications in: Investigaciones fenomenológicas: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología


Starting from the work of Vicent Martínez in which he explains what he understands by "practical rationality" in the framework of his philosophical studies for peace -also for peace between genders-, I rethink my own contributions to the interaction between phenomenology and feminism, particularly the link of the phenomenological critique of objectivism and the unmasking of patriarchal reason in order to demonstrate that the non-indifferent recognition of plurality is not at odds with the autonomy and universality of reason, but exclusively with the instrumental reason which dominates until the 21st century. I consider this dominating reason from Husserl's diagnosis of the crisis of the sciences as well as from the criticism to Modernity undertaken by the Frankfurt School. I will pay attention on the third generation of this School as well as on the French phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty in order to reclaim an enlarged reason which not only has epistemological implications, but existential. This reason can even help overcome the dualisms that have arisen within feminism. Feminism is a tradition of thought that, in dialogue with phenomenology, can attain a philosophical radicalization while phenomenology can take root in the feminist movement and with it, in the self-responsibility of humanity.

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