El Informe MorrisLa correspondencia entre los agentes del Banco de Londres y del Río de la Plata sobre Tucumán, 1910—1914

  1. Sánchez Román, José Antonio 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Travesía: Revista de Historia económica y social

ISSN: 2314-2707 0329-9449

Year of publication: 1999

Issue: 2

Pages: 83-102

Type: Article

More publications in: Travesía: Revista de Historia económica y social


The purpose of this paper is to bring up some issues related to sugar production in Tucumán and its way of getting loans, at the beginning of the twentieth century. I analyse the case of the Bank of London and River Plate and its relationship whit industry. A long letter, written by the Tucuman branch manager and sent to his chief in Buenos Aires, is commented and a wide range of problems which are worthy to discuss on arise from it.

Bibliographic References

  • David Joslin, A Century of Banking in Latin America. To commemorate the centenary in 1962 of the Bank of London and South America Limited, London, 1963.
  • José Antonio Sánchez Román, “Mister Morris buscando a la gente decente. El Banco de Londres y del Río de la Plata y el negocio azucarero en Tucumán, Argentina (1909–1914)”. En XVI Jornadas de Historia Económinca, Quilmes, Argentina, septiembre 1998.
  • Charles. A. Jones, “Los bancos británcos”. En G. Ferrari y E. Gallo (comps.), La Argentina del Ochenta al Centenario, Buenos Aires, 1980, p. 535.
  • Rory Miller, Britain and Latin America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, London 1993 y D.C.M. Platt, Finance, Trade and Politics in British Foreing Policy, 1815– 1914, Oxford, 1968.
  • C. Jones, “The State and Business...”, p. 194.
  • Cartas del 31–12–1874, 2–1–1875, 22–1–1875 y 29–1–1875, de Rosario a Buenos Aires, BOLSA, Caja D53/2.