Crisis de la democracia de partidos y segunda transición
ISSN: 0211-979X
Any de publicació: 2017
Títol de l'exemplar: Monográfico con motivo del XL aniversario de la Constitución Española (I)
Número: 100
Pàgines: 615-638
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Revista de Derecho Político
This article begins by presenting the Bernard Manin’s argument on the evolution of the political representation and the transition from party democracy to audience democracy. It continues by taking into account the origins and evolution of the economic crisis in order to underline some of its consequences concerning the political and institutional arena. Third, it analyzes the electoral impact of the crisis of representation on the regional and general 2015 elections. Finally, the article evaluates the new party system and its implications with regard to the issue of political polarization.
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