On the integration of remote laboratories in collaborative social media platforms

  1. Caminero, A.C.
  2. Orduña, P.
  3. Robles-Gómez, A.
  4. Ros, S.
  5. Tobarra, L.I.
  6. Hernandez, R.
  7. Lequerica, I.
  8. Garcia-Zubia, J.
  9. Lopez-De-Ipiña, D.
  10. Zutin, D.
  11. Cristóbal, E.S.
  12. Castro, M.
Proceedings of XI Tecnologias Aplicadas a la Ensenanza de la Electronica (Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching), TAEE 2014

ISBN: 9781479960026

Year of publication: 2014

Type: Conference paper

DOI: 10.1109/TAEE.2014.6900138 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Sustainable development goals