Escolarización en ConfinamientoExperimento natural y prueba de esfuerzo

  1. Moreno, Juan Manuel 1
  2. Lucas Gortázar
  1. 1 Banco Mundial/The World Bank
Profesorado: Revista de curriculum y formación del profesorado

ISSN: 1989-6395 1138-414X

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Enseñanza Superior Contemporánea

Volume: 24

Issue: 2

Pages: 168-181

Type: Article

DOI: 10.30827/PROFESORADO.V24I2.15540 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Profesorado: Revista de curriculum y formación del profesorado


The COVID-19 pandemic entailed a true natural experiment that allows to collect empirical evidence about the counterfactual of “what would happen if all school closed”; and at the same time, it has amounted to a thorough stress test that has transparently displayed both the strengths and weaknesses of education systems as a whole and of each and every actor and element within them. Our starting point is that the crises created by the pandemic have accelerated trends and processes, challenges and problems, and that such acceleration of History implies both new risks and opportunities for school systems. This paper uses some of the existing empirical evidence to explore those risks and opportunities and the options available to protect and sustain public school systems under the new normal.

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