La "fábrica de sueños" vista desde la economía política

  1. Segovia San Juan, Ana Isabel
Revista: : revista de estudios para el desarrollo social de la Comunicación

ISSN: 1696-2079

Ano de publicación: 2004

Número: 1

Páxinas: 87-95

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: : revista de estudios para el desarrollo social de la Comunicación


The film business has been an oligopoly industry from their beginning. A few Majors has always shared out the bigger part of the film market share. Nowadays the convergence of mass media has emphasized this concentration. None of the big studios is independent. Each of them is part of a giant conglomerate that owns a whole range of media, from publishing, radio or television stations, to theatres. They control the creation, production, distribution and final sell of the product. From our perspective, the consequences over creativity and pluralism of this film business and media ownership structure are not positive at all. We might rather talk about the homogenization of content and the spectacularity and industrialization of culture as an outcome of this situation.