Dependencia espacial de la tasa municipal de desempleo en Andalucía. Un análisis espacial exploratorio
- Acevedo Blanco, Antonio Jesús
- Martínez Quintana, Violante
ISSN: 1139-5737
Datum der Publikation: 2021
Nummer: 51
Seiten: 89-124
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Empiria: Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales
The current paper examines the spatial, global and local autocorrelation of the Municipal Unemployment Rate in Andalusia. Applying the Geoda software, firstly, we carried out an exploratory exercise aimed at identifying the superior outliers of the indicator. Later, statistics of the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis are implemented to determine the spatial dependence of unemployment in Andalusia. In the last section of results, the hot spots with the highest incidence in the construction of the spatial autocorrelation indicator are identified. After examining the results it’s concluded on the need to add the spatial context among the analysis variables for the sociological research of unemployment.
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