La educación para un mundo globalizadoLa Competencia Global en Centros Españoles: comparativa de alumnos y profesores del IB y de la LOMCE

  1. Menéndez, María Paz
Supervised by:
  1. Javier Manuel Valle López Director

Defence university: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 26 June 2020

  1. Alejandro Tiana Ferrer Chair
  2. Rocío Garrido Martos Secretary
  3. Margarita Núñez Canal Committee member
  4. Montserrat Grañeras Pastrana Committee member
  5. Jesús Manso Ayuso Committee member

Type: Thesis


The purpose of this research is to help the reflection needed to foster the advancement of the process of acquisition of the Global Competence, to promote an education that suits the needs of a contemporary globalized world. In this study, we analyze the process of internationalization of education and the concept of Global Competence, to design a specific instrument for measuring its level of acquisition. As the competence is not a static process of adaptation but the result of a process, we chose as sample Spanish students who were finalizing their 2º year of baccalaureate studies, moment in time coinciding with the end of an academic stage leading to the completion of pre-university schooling. In addition, we also studied teacher’s approaches in relation to fostering the Global Competence in the classrooms. In order to make a deeper research in the possible aspects leading to boost the acquisition of the said competence, we studied two educational systems: the Spanish national educational system, regulated at the State level and influenced by the European Union educational policies and the International Baccalaureate one, with a supranational scope and regulated, privately, by the International Baccalaureate Organization. In terms of methodology, we used two methods, the history-documentary research, in relation to the study of the education in a global world; and in particular in LOMCE educational system and in the IB, in both its global dimension and its local one (Spain); and the quantitative Ex Post Facto to assess second-year baccalaureate students in Spain self-perceptions of the Global Competence acquisition and the impact of teachers’ delivery on it. After a process of data triangulation, we have been able to contribute with our own definition of the Global Competence and its dimensions, the design and validation of an instrument for its assessment and the establishment of some of its adaptation enhancing or limiting factors, emerging either from the educational systems or from their main actors: students and teachers