El desarrollo de la competencia sobre variación terminológica en estudiantes de traducción e interpretación: Una experiencia de colaboración interuniversitaria

RLA: Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada

ISSN: 0033-698X 0718-4883

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 57

Pages: 137-163

Type: Article

More publications in: RLA: Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada


Term variation is frequently a translation problem that manifests itself at the intralanguage level –given the existence of different term variants for the same concept and at the inter-language level– as a result of different translation equivalents for a term. This article presents a proposal for the development of term variation competence in student translators and interpreters in the framework of a collaboration project between universities. The assignment consisted on documenting the VariMed term base, containing synonyms of diseases in Spanish and English, with term variants used in Chilean Spanish. A situated and collaborative teaching-learning environment was proposed, where students had to carry out a real-life assignment in a simulated professional environment. Throughout the project, students learned the methodology of ad hoc terminology management, and developed practical and theoretical knowledge about term variation and its management in translation. As a result, students created 1170 term records, 360 corresponding to variants not yet registered in VariMed. The teaching proposal was evaluated by means of a questionnaire and a self-evaluation report. The most problems were reported in the compilation of a Chilean Spanish medical corpus, the identification of term variants and the expert validation phase. Furthermore, students found the learning experience useful for their training as translators/interpreters and evaluated positively its situated nature, especially the collaboration between universities.