Recomendaciones sobre lenguaje claro en español en el ámbito jurídico-administrativoanálisis y clasificación

  1. Iria da Cunha
  2. M. Ángeles Escobar

ISSN: 1133-682X

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 29

Pages: 129-148

Type: Article

More publications in: Pragmalinguistica


The impact of the introduction of plain language into Spanish administration has been lees acknowledged than in the administrations of other countries. However, various initiatives have been carried out to improve the clarity of legal-administrative texts and, in addition, there are different sources that offer recommendations for writing these kinds of texts in plain language. The aim of this work is to analyse the recommendations on written plain language in Spanish that are collected in the most relevant and current sources on the subject, to later classify them according to the language level to which they refer. Specifically, the discourse, morphosyntactic and lexical levels are considered. Based on this analysis and classification, a list of the most frequent and, therefore, most relevant, plain language recommendations in Spanish is offered, taking the aforementioned three language levels into account

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