Actitudes de los docentes respecto a las tic, a partir del desarrollo de una práctica reflexiva

  1. Sáez López, José Manuel
EA, Escuela abierta: revista de Investigación Educativa

ISSN: 1138-6908 2603-5928

Ano de publicación: 2010

Número: 13

Páxinas: 37-54

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: EA, Escuela abierta: revista de Investigación Educativa


The application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in educational settings requires some skills by teachers and positive attitudes towards the pedagogical benefits that technology provides, because teaching practices with these means are conditioned by the level of training and management of these tools, and what teachers think about the educational potential of ICT. This study is based on the design of survey and the questionnaire is used as an instrument, applying complementary methods with results that indicate through a descriptive analysis that the training of teachers, teacher cooperation and coordination, the fact of having resources and adequate means and a commitment of time and effort on behalf of teachers, are of great importance and they enhance the use of ICT in education.