El proceso de convergencia económica entre España y la UE (2008-2012)

  1. Fernández Carvajal, Ana Belén
  2. Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel
  3. Rodríguez Fernández, Laura
RUE: Revista universitaria europea

ISSN: 1139-5796

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Zenbakia: 25

Orrialdeak: 43-58

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: RUE: Revista universitaria europea


This paper attempts to provide an overview of the progress of the process of economic convergence of the Spanish economy between 2008 and 2012 compared to the average of the European Union (EU). To do this, we have built two composite indicators, one for each meaning of economic convergence: The Weighted Nominal Convergence Index and Weighted Real Convergence Index, which analyze whether the degree of such convergence has been shortened during that period of time, as a result of the severe economic and financial crisis suffered by the country. The results show that has just happened otherwise.