Integración práctica de la tecnología educativa en el grado de educación social
ISSN: 1135-9250
Año de publicación: 2012
Número: 40
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Edutec: Revista electrónica de tecnología educativa
The fact of improving educational processes in academic settings requires a process of educational innovation that is driven by teaching methodology, which is supported by active approaches and the integration of Information and Communication Technologies. This study analyzes the attitudes and contributions of students regarding the application and design of various resources related to the pedagogical application of Educational Technology. We take into account the use of a diffusion tools, Virtual Learning Environments, global communications and essential tools. The results of this research underscore the need to include these resources in university teaching, taking into account the great potential of ICT with an active methodology derived from learning by doing, focused in practice and maintaining the classroom teaching.
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