Las eurociudades rayanasTui / Valença, Verín / Chaves, Badajoz / Elvas, Ayamonte / Sto. Antonio Vilareal

  1. Julio López-Davalillo Larrea
Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie VI, Geografía

ISSN: 1130-2968

Year of publication: 2015

Tome: 8-9

Pages: 131-167

Type: Article

More publications in: Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie VI, Geografía


The Hispano-Portuguese border - referred to as «la Raya» in Spanish- has been usually considered as a demographical isolated paramo. Nevertheless, you must weigh against this reality that the 1200 km borderline is also as secular world of subtle and powerful cross-border relationships between cities. Nowadays, the Raya is one of less developed region of the European Community. For this reason, the EC, through European Regional Development Fund, is encouraging the foundation of several border-cross entities (regional and municipal). This cooperation may take the form of Eurocities formed by a couple or more European State borderline cities. In the past decade, four Eurocities have been created between Spain and Portugal, being born initially with agreements between close cities, with historical links but each one in a different country. At the beginning, the idea was making partnerships, synergies and sharing resources, and in the long-term, as decision makers claimed, turns into a whole city with only one City Government.

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