La «nueva cultura del aceite» como eje de transformación en los territorios olivareros andaluces

  1. Marta Farré Ribes 1
  2. Carmen Lozano Cabedo 2
  3. Encarnación Aguilar Criado 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Sevilla

    Universidad de Sevilla

    Sevilla, España


  2. 2 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Madrid, España


AIBR: Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana

ISSN: 1578-9705

Año de publicación: 2020

Volumen: 15

Número: 1

Páginas: 79-104

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.11156/AIBR.150105 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Otras publicaciones en: AIBR: Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


In the field of olive oil, two quality construction models currently coexist. One quality model based on the specific attributes of each territory and the traditional knowledge and other quality model based on rules and standards and on scientific-technical knowledge. The implementation of this second model implies that the different qualities of olive oil are determined, by regulation, through a sensory analysis, following organoleptic parameters. This article analyzes the transformations carried out in the olive oil territories to adapt to this model of regulated quality. Study the differential processes of appropriation of this “new olive oil culture” in different areas of Andalusia with a tradition rooted in the production of quality oil. The research has focused on three Local Olive Oil Systems of Andalusia that have a Protected Designation of Origin (Estepa y Puente Genil, Priego de Córdoba y Mon-toro-Adamuz). In the study, qualitative methodology has been applied based on fieldwork carried out during 12 months between 2015-2016. The techniques used were participant observation and semi-structured interviews with 178 key actors from the three territories. Results show that the success in the process of conversion to the “new olive oil culture” is linked to the territorialization of “expert” knowledge. It is essential that the tasting panel becomes an active actor of the territory and that the knowledge generated is accessible and feedback with the vernacular knowledge of the territory. © 2020, Asociacion de Antropologos Iberoamericanos en Red. All rights reserved.

Información de financiación

Este artículo forma parte del proyecto: «Las marcas de calidad en el mundo rural: nuevos retos para productores y consumidores» I+D (CSO2013-42468-P). Grupo de Investigación TECUDE. P.A.I. (SEJ-418).


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