Memoria y legado de una reina exiliadamuerte, exequias, testamento, inventario y liquidación de bienes de Isabel II en París
- 1 Universidad Nacional de Educación a
ISSN: 0486-0993
Argitalpen urtea: 2016
Zenbakia: 205
Orrialdeak: 68-125
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Reales Sitios: Revista del Patrimonio Nacional
This article reconstructs the circumstances surrounding the death of Isabella II at the Palais de Castille in Paris on 9 April 1904. It traces the journey of her mortal remains from the funeral ceremony with which Paris paid tribute to her to the royal burial at El Escorial. It also analyses the queen's will, drawn up in French in 1901, as a testament to her last wishes and affections. Thanks o the document relating to her estate in the Secret Archives of the Royal House of Bavaria, it ends by reconstructing the long process of selling off and distributing the possessions owned by Isabella of Bourbon at her death in Paris.