Por qué las campañas electorales cognitivas basadas en la posverdad pueden erosionar las democracias de opiniónCómo afecta a este tipo de campañas las mentiras profundas de base audiovisual basadas redes neuronales generativas
ISSN: 1886-6212
Datum der Publikation: 2020
Nummer: 32
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Revista general de derecho constitucional
If we can agree that each person can have their own opinion on any subject, nobody is instead authorized to have their own facts on such topics. This, which was true in the analogue paradigm, may cease to be true in the virtual reality paradigm, especially when these facts can be falsified so accurately, efficiently and inexpensively, that reality can cease to be what until now it has been to become a field of eccentricities, doubts, omissions of intentional design and certainties built ad hoc. The protection of the truth in the democracy of the 21st century is the essence that must be preserved against the attacks that will go in crescendo, first it was the Fake News, now they are the Deepfakes and we will see new dimensions of these informational pathologies, but both they have a common denominator, their attack on the truth by misrepresenting the facts. Being the objective of these distortions of a very diverse nature, the objectives of electoral manipulation are those that in this work will occupy us since they affect a core element of the democracy of opinion, a public opinion nourished by non-toxic tributaries that allow Citizens form truthful judgments based on true facts. Given that in politics the truth matters, in the end it could matter more than anything else it is essential to address this field of study explaining the nature of the Deepfakes and proposing some solutions for their legal control.
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