El español como segunda lenguauna necesidad primaria para la alfabetización de los inmigrantes. En contacto con... Método de alfabetización de inmigrantes

  1. García Blanco, Miriam
Revista de educación

ISSN: 0034-8082

Datum der Publikation: 2002

Titel der Ausgabe: La ley de calidad

Nummer: 329

Seiten: 532-542

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de educación


In contact with... is a method of adult immigrants' literacy, jointly worked out by ASTI (Solidarity Association with Immigrant Workers)'s Department of Education, Diocesan Regional Office of Migrations, and Santa MarÌa Foundation. The objective of this educational project is the teaching of basic literacy, and in authors' words: " ... it is to understand language globally, it is much more than teaching to read and write, it is teaching to read life". In this article we study this pedagogical material, parting from the concept of literacy, in order to get deep into the analysis and structure of that material. Finally, we get to the conclusion that the teaching of Spanish and the creation of spaces for the encounter between different cultures are essential for immigrants' integration, and will help us to live in diversity, and to find in it a source of enrichment, not of conflict.