Aspectos de la tradición clásica en "La Regenta" de Leopoldo Alas, "Clarín"

  1. López Férez, Juan Antonio
Olivar: revista de literatura y cultura españolas

ISSN: 1515-1115 1852-4478

Argitalpen urtea: 2009

Urtea: 10

Zenbakia: 13

Orrialdeak: 127-151

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Olivar: revista de literatura y cultura españolas


Leopoldo Alas, 'Clarín', often mentions the Greco-Roman classics, sometimes with satyrical intention, demonstrating the ignorance or bad use of the Greco- Roman tradition in his time. I examine some aspects of this tradition in La Regenta (1884-1885), distributing the material in several items: observations about the knowledge or ignorance of Greek or Latin; mentions of authors or works from Greek literature; direct references of authors or works of Latin literature; Greek or Roman historical personages; notes of Greco- Roman culture; indication about the Greek or Latin vocabulary.