La innovación empresarial en perspectivaun análisis de datos de panel

  1. Plaza Llorente, Jesús Manuel
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Year of publication: 2012

Issue Title: Los observatorios industriales

Issue: 385

Pages: 119-128

Type: Article

More publications in: Economía industrial


This paper shows a case of entrepreurial innovation based in the study of data panel. A first research of the innovative behaviour of 325 small and middle size companies (SME) was conducted in 2003 using data poll raised in 1995. After fifteen years, in 2010, the basic data of the companies had been updated using Google as source of statistical primary information. A conclusion of the research in 2003 was the definition of four patterns of behaviour to the way in the Spanish innovative SMEs address innovation (Guépard, Rhino, Zebra and Log) and the particular performance of the innovation skills in each one of the four categories. In 2010, a 13.5% of the panel companies had been disappeared because corporative movements (mergers or adquisitions) fails or bankruptcy. On the other hand, a 8% of the panel firms had been improved their position (going through Log or Zebra to Rhino) in the period 1995-2010. The main reasons of this change obey to a better performance of their innovation capabilities together sound organizational and marketing strategies (market oriented products and services and differentiation).

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