Las reformas pendientes de la economía española
- Valle, Víctor
- Pampillón Fernández, Fernando
ISSN: 0006-6249
Année de publication: 2013
Titre de la publication: Reformas estructurales: una agenda abierta
Volumen: 68
Número: 209
Pages: 343-368
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Boletín de estudios económicos
The current government reform effort to correct the serious imbalances accumulated by the Spanish economy in the last twenty years, until the crisis, needs to be complemented by other reforms that impulse and ensure a robust and fast solution to the crisis. The article ponders over the objetives that should be pursued reforms, lists those that are still pending and focuses on three that considers essential: i)The tax position aimed at raising levels of European countries with lower restrictive effects and greater equity in the distribution of the costs of the crisis, ii) To complete labor reform to reverse the temporary employment and active and passive employment policy, and iii) Reforming the public administration, especially in areas relating to institutional structure, professionalizing the civil service and the transparency of its actions.
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