De histérica inválida a escritora transgresorael caso de Alice James y la superación de los límites
ISSN: 1132-8231
Any de publicació: 2016
Títol de l'exemplar: Miradas feministas que interrogan
Número: 29
Pàgines: 145-160
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Asparkia: Investigació feminista
Hysteria, a widely studied topic, if only partially overcome, meant oppression of women only because they (we) are women. While it has now disappeared as a medical category, psychological and social implications remain. Its «Golden Age» was the nineteenth century, when women like Alice James suffered the full weight of the machinery of patriarchy through their illness: a disability that fell on the bed for more than half of her sorry life. Determine the ethiology of their condition is not an easy work, since she lived in an weird family with a misogynistic father, a society of strict control and domestication as Victorian one and a kind of «psychological readiness» of our protagonist. Alice had the courage to rebel, breaking the rules imposed and giving us an intimate part of herself: her Diary.
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