Radio, televisión, audio y vídeo en educaciónFunciones y posibilidades, potenciadas por el COVID-19
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ISSN: 1138-2783
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: La educación en clave audiovisual y multipantalla
Volume: 25
Issue: 1
Pages: 9-28
Type: Article
More publications in: RIED: revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia
The audiovisual medium is so widespread that it was an educational bet in remote settings and now, notably, during the times of the pandemic. These well-used audiovisual resources enhance the possibilities of learning and retention. Despite the fact that, nowadays, many might think that these are obsolete resources, of low efficiency for learning in this digital society, they are still highly valued today. It was evident that radio and television had an outstanding relevance in times of confinement, so that no one was left behind, especially the most vulnerable groups. Today, digital systems can host, record and reproduce any type of audiovisual document, and the latter, both in synchronous and asynchronous format. Radio, in times of pandemic, was used as a flexible, massive, low-cost and long-range means of communication, as an alternative to the great advances in digital technologies, reaching all corners of the globe. Over the radio, the podcast has the advantage of being able to record and reproduce any type of audio content, with the possibility of repeated listening, pausing and going back. On the one hand, integrating hearing and sight, on the other hand, text, audio and images in the same educational resource, such as television and video, substantially enhance the didactic possibilities in any area of knowledge, nature of the course and educational level. However, it must be concluded that the potential of these resources has not been exploited, far from it, sufficiently in educational settings. Synchronous videoconferencing seems to have integrated the possibilities of these tools obviating some of their problems and becoming a great complement to education.
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