El papel de los 'documentos iguales' en el desarrollo de una teoría de la traducción

  1. Bermúdez Bausela, Montserrat
Telar de traducción especializada
  1. Martino Alba, Pilar (ed. lit.)
  2. Lebsanft, Christiane (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Dykinson

ISBN: 978-84-9031-003-8

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 25-36

Type: Book chapter


It is our belief that a possible research objective carried out in the field of Translation Studies is to describe and explain any tendency and regularity observed in the translation process. This may be applied to certain specific textual elements in a pair of languages, which may help situate this translation behavior in either an adequacy to the rhetoric norms of the source language and culture, or, on the contrary, an adaptation to the textual conventions of the target language and culture. Moreover, it would be a novelty to start from a textual sample of parallel texts called "equal documents" in a specialized context. This study would help to find out the norms that operate in the translation process and thus help the translator in his or her future job.