Paraphrase Scope and Typology. A Data-Driven Approach from Computational Linguistics / Abast i tipologia de la paràfrasi. Una aproximació empíriica des de la lingüíística computacional

  1. Vila Rigat, Marta
Supervised by:
  1. Horacio Rodríguez Hontoria Director
  2. María Antonia Martí Antonín Director

Defence university: Universitat de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 28 June 2013

  1. Anselmo Peñas Padilla Chair
  2. Mariona Taulé Delor Secretary
  3. Anabela Barreiro Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 356663 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The contents of the first article in this PhD thesis (from page 30), namely "Is this a paraphrase? What kind? Paraphrase boundaries and typology" by Marta Vila, M. Antònia Martí, and Horacio Rodríguez, were finally published at the Open Journal of Modern Linguistics journal. Vila, Marta, M. Antònia Martí, and Horacio Rodríguez. 2014. Is this a paraphrase? What kind? Paraphrase boundaries and typology. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 4:205-218.