Identificación, clasificación y aproximación al análisis de las máquinas-herramienta de las Reales Fábricas de San Juan de Alcaraz (Riópar, Albacete)

  1. Miguel A. Sebastián Pérez
El patrimonio geológico y minero como instrumento de desarrollo territorial

Publisher: Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero SEDPGYM

ISBN: 978-84-09-31210-8

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 321-329

Type: Book chapter


Possibly the analysis and valuation of immovable industrial property assets is more common than that of movable assets and this may be the result of its high durability (at least in the ruins phase) and its strong link to the territory and even the landscape. On the other hand, movable property is very easily translated and removable; and, with it, sold, abandoned, damaged and scrapped. Within this panorama is the case of the machines-tool available in the Museum and former premises of the Royal Factories of Riópar, in the province of Albacete, in which thanks to its industrial activity has lasted until 1996 and has been avoided in large part the looting and scrapping of a good number of machine tools; there is a sufficient park for the study of such machine tools and their associated processes.There have also been a multitude of tools, equipment and foundry models; as well as plans and diverse commercial and technical documentation that will allow a better perception of the technology and processes used in these industrial establishments. In this machinery park there are relatively recent units (from the second half of the 20th century), but also older machine tools with or without subsequent modifications.In the present work, the typing and classification of these machine tools is developed, followed by a relational analysis with their associated manufacturing processes. Finally, various considerations and conclusions about the machinery stock available in these Royal Factories of Riópar are stated.