El ferrocarril de alta velocidad en España y otros países europeosUn análisis comparativo

  2. Gustavo NOMBELA
  3. José Manuel TRÁNCHEZ MARTÍN
Papeles de economía española

ISSN: 0210-9107

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Infraestructuras terrestres, transporte y movilidad de personas

Issue: 171

Pages: 15-34

Type: Article

More publications in: Papeles de economía española


This paper analyses high-speed railways (HSR) in Spain, compared to the other three UE Member States with large HSR networks. On the supply side, we study infrastructure investments, construction costs, institutional framework and effective market competition. On the demand side, comparative data on the use of infrastructure and rail fares indicate that the Spanish HSR network is oversized, the quality of services is high-standard, and prices are also relatively high. Empirical evidence about the social, economic and environmental effects of HSR, together with impacts on the location of activities, exhibit mixed results. Our main conclusion is that Spain should re-consider its railway sector strategy, in order to promote the modernization of conventional inter-city railways instead of pursuing further expansions of its HSR network.

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