“Adornarse con plumas ajenas”: Historiografía y práctica epistolar. El estudio biográfico de Diego Hurtado de Mendoza en el archivo personal de Eugenio Mele

Pecia Complutense: Boletín de la Biblioteca Histórica "Marqués de Valdecilla"

ISSN: 1698-272X

Ano de publicación: 2021

Número: 34

Páxinas: 89-127

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Pecia Complutense: Boletín de la Biblioteca Histórica "Marqués de Valdecilla"


This article analises the creation process of Diego Hurtado de Mendoza’s biographical study through the epistolary correspondence maintained by his biographers. Eugenio Mele and Ángel González Palencia share an intense relationship betwen 1931 and 1949 marked by the distance. Their collaboration depended on a postal service subject to the inter‐war period crisis and the European fascisms. Due to this, attention Will be drawn to the collaboration processes as social processes, highlighting the importance of the Spanish‐Italian relationships and the material aspects of written culture.