Hacia una propuesta de mínimos sobre el estudio de las emociones en el ámbito de la posverdad

  1. Alberto Morán Roa 1
  1. 1 UNED, Instituto Universitario de Educación a Distancia

ISSN: 1989-7022

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Verdad, desinformación y verificación: retos epistémicos y morales

Issue: 38

Pages: 209-224

Type: Article

More publications in: Dilemata


The role of affection in the mass production of information and the post-truth phenomenon has returned a bias to the analysis of emotions, under which they appear as a key agent in disinformation systems, or as a distorting element that must be eliminated in order to have an “objective” access to the truth through the strict use of reason. In this work we will defend that both positions incur in problematic approaches, and that both are based on premises that deserve a review. From this critical exercise, we will suggest a transversal proposal of minimums from which to carry out the analysis of emotions in the study of post-truth.

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