Aportaciones de la didáctica al desarrollo de la Educación Social y a la formación permanente de los formadores

  1. Antonio Medina Rivilla
  2. Raúl González-Fernández
UTE Teaching & Technology: Universitas Tarraconensis

ISSN: 1135-1438 2385-4731

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Ángel-Pío González Soto. In Memoriam

Issue: 1

Pages: 170-186

Type: Article

More publications in: UTE Teaching & Technology: Universitas Tarraconensis


The importance of didactics in planning and intervention in the social sphere is highlighted, in line with the contributions of Dr. Ángel-Pío González Soto. From this perspective, the process of design, development and implementation of a teacher training program for young people and adults is detailed, with the aim of assessing its impact. Thus, through a mixed methodology, and with the use of a questionnaire, interviews and discussion groups, where the teachers who assumed the training program have participated, its high relevance is confirmed. Its impact on institutions and society is also pointed out, highlighting the relevance that the figure of Dr. González Soto had in its success.

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