En torno al proyecto histórico-esencial de Heideggerprolegómenos para una lectura de “Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis)”

  1. Alonso Salgado, Roberto
  1. María José Callejo Hernanz Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2022(e)ko apirila-(a)k 26

  1. Juan Manuel Navarro Cordón Presidentea
  2. François Jaran Duquette Idazkaria
  3. Luisa Paz Rodríguez Suárez Kidea
  4. Diego Sánchez Meca Kidea
  5. Alejandro Escudero Pérez Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 746155 DIALNET


With the purpose of determining the heideggerian project of a History of Being, this research is about Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), his deepest historical-essential work. Two paths essentially linked together have been traced, regarding the form and the content of the work.In the first approach, we look at the reading experience of the raw text. This is a fragmented and unfinished text, both in its composition and in its writing. Due to thecryptic nature of the text, the legibility of the work has to be questioned itself. In this part of the research, we ask whether the Beiträge meet the requirements of a ‘philosophical work’. To give an answer, it is necessary first to define which is the relationship between the philosophical itself and the language. In the second approach, there is a continuation between the analysis of nullity in Being and Time and in the experience of nihilism with which the Beiträge begin. Before attempting to read this work again, a detour is made through other Heidegger’s texts. From there, we return to the Beiträge, now placed in context within the specific problematic of the 'essential link' of philosophy with myth. Under this perspective, the fundamental content of the work is revealed. In addition, it is clarified that what forces the Fundamental Ontology to turn itself and to take the step towards the historical-essential project is the essential of Heideggerian philosophy: a question about the Being that is already a question about the world and the human...