Towards a new paradigm to empower students and enable their social-emotional well-beinga strategic framework for evolving digital learning environments

unter der Leitung von:
  1. María Teresa Arredondo Waldmeyer Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 11 von Dezember von 2019

  1. Javier Uceda Antolín Präsident/in
  2. Maria Fernanda Cabrera Umpiérrez Sekretär/in
  3. Alejandro Rodríguez Ascaso Vocal
  4. Jordi Aguiló Llobet Vocal
  5. Julio Ángel Mayol Martínez Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 610596 DIALNET


Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor and tutor Prof. Maria Teresa Arredondo. Thanks for your continuous support of my Ph.D, research work, motivation, endearment, patience, to be an exemplary professional woman and your continuous encouragement for writing this thesis. Not for less, special thanks for being a great person that provided me with unworldly support. Proud to be part of your team. Many thanks the participating teachers and staff from the No One Left Behind (NOLB) pilot schools, both during and after the NOLB project; for volunteering for the experience and supporting the research work. My sincere gratitude also for the teachers and staff from (Galicia) schools involved in the focus groups; to all this great people; “many thanks”, this thesis would not be possible without all your support, time, great consideration, insights and good times during the meetings and coffee breaks. My sincere thanks also go to all the LifeSTech Team; I really thank your day to day support, which you offer with great kindness. You have made it really ease to go forward in many of my tasks; specially during this last year that I also went through this thesis. Moreover, I thank you all for the sleepless nights we work together before deadlines, and for all the fun we have had in during last, but also the first, year working together. My big thanks to Carlos, you have been with me hand to hand not only during this research, but through all the opportunities and moments for more than 25 years now. Thanks, to you and Jordi; without your patience, inspiration, help, love and unconditional support it would not be possible to do many of the things I have lived; including this thesis. Thanks to my mother Maru, for having instilled on me a ‘can do’ attitude. Thanks for always count with your help, spiritual support and love to reach my objectives. Thanks to Cristi and Rebe, for being always close and there for me. Thanks to all the close family members, friends and EU project friends; you all have taken me to reach great wealthy and shareable experiences. Last but not least, I would like to acknowledge that this research was built on the results of the No One Left Behind project (ID 645215) co-funded by the European Commission. It is great to see how this kind of multinational research programmes support science and create added value in many areas; including education domain.