Liderazgo efectivo y su impacto en la seguridad industrial y salud laboral. Una revisión sistemática de la investigación realizada

  1. Miguel Bernabé-Castaño 1
  2. Inés Ferri-Revert
  3. Álvaro Rodríguez-Prieto 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Madrid, España


DYNA management

ISSN: 2340-6585

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 10

Issue: 1

Type: Article


More publications in: DYNA management

Sustainable development goals


Occupational health and safety are important components in the workplace. Ineffective leadership in occupational safety and health can lead to a loss of productivity, undermining the economic benefits of the activity and, ultimately - and more significantly - can lead to serious accidents or even deaths, as well as an insufficient physical and mental workers health. Thus, the main objective of this study is to identify, collect and evaluate relevant research work on leadership and its impact on job safety in various economic sectors. This systematic review has focused on analyzing the role of business leadership and its relationship with job safety in the studied economic sector, using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) methodology. The Web Of Science Database (WOS) and SCOPUS were consulted. Studies were selected by using predefined fields. Thus, 1,256 articles were collected, 259 duplicate articles were eliminated, after reading the title and abstract, 961 articles were excluded, and, finally, in 36 articles the full text were analyzed, discarding 26 articles finally. The results show that safety, transformational leadership have been among the most researched and to a lesser extent empowerment leadership. They have also been related to variables that intervene in the influence of the leader over the follower in terms of occupational safety. The work areas in which leadership and occupational safety have been studied covering the last 5 years, was the following sectors: construction, industrial equipment, railway, aeronautic, metallurgy, electrical power and tourism.