Estrategias metodológicas para la toma de decisiones sostenibles en entornos X.0 en la gestión universitaria de ingeniería

  1. Carnicero Plaza, Ignacio
  1. Víctor Francisco Rosales Prieto Zuzendaria
  2. Cristina González Gaya Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Fecha de defensa: 2022(e)ko maiatza-(a)k 06

  1. Miguel Ángel Sebastián Pérez Presidentea
  2. Alberto Sánchez Lite Idazkaria
  3. Lorenzo Sevilla Hurtado Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 723593 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis begins by conducting a research on experiences of the use of data in numerous universities inside and outside of Spain for better decision-making, in academic terms and management terms. Subsequently, the advantages and limitations that the use of data for decision making has on the various organizations, including universities, are studied. Next, a methodology is proposed for the transformation of a university into an organization that uses data in its decision-making. And this is done based on two sources of information: researching about organizations that have successfully carried out this transformation process, to find common patterns of action, and conducting a qualitative case study, using an inductive thematic analysis with two groups of participants. The first group were expert consultants in transforming organizations for data-driven decision making, and the second, university managers. Subsequently, work is done on the concepts of circular economy and sustainability in organizations in general and in universities in particular, determining that these concepts materialize and land in universities in the idea of the smart university and the smart campus. Finally, to link the concepts of a university that uses data for decision-making and the concept of a smart university, in addition to the data itself as a key link, the X.0 environment is used as an engine to promote the transformation of the university into an organization that makes sustainable decisions. The final result is the proposal of a methodological strategy for sustainable decision-making in X.0 environments in university management in general, and engineering university management in particular.