Introducción al panorama internacional de las Humanidades Digitales

  1. Laura Hernández-Lorenzo 1
  1. 1 Institute of the Polish Language

    Institute of the Polish Language

    Cracovia, Polonia


Revista de humanidades

ISSN: 1130-5029 2340-8995

Any de publicació: 2022

Número: 46

Pàgines: 137-166

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista de humanidades


This paper presents a state of the art of the international Digital Humanities landscape with the aim of outlining and highlighting some of its key points within the huge existing bibliography. In doing so, it aspires to act as a guide for humanists who wish to initiate themselves in this research field, and to serve as a continuation and update of previous works by other researchers. To this end, it is divided into two sections: a first one including an approach to the definition of Digital Humanities, its main characteristics, and a presentation of the most relevant organizations and associations encompassing the research community; and a second section containing a brief history of the discipline, which focuses on its main milestones from its origins to the present.

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