Deporte extraescolar e inteligencia emocional en estudiantes de secundariaefectos del tipo de agrupamiento deportivo y del sexo

  1. Pinelo Trancoso, Manuel Antonio 1
  2. Ardura, Diego 2
  1. 1 Departamento de Ejercicio Físico, Clínica Obymed
  2. 2 Facultad de Educación (UNED)
Cuadernos de psicología del deporte

ISSN: 1578-8423 1989-5879

Année de publication: 2023

Titre de la publication: CPD1(2023)

Volumen: 23

Número: 1

Pages: 38-52

Type: Article

DOI: 10.6018/CPD.510651 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGITUM editor

D'autres publications dans: Cuadernos de psicología del deporte


The development of emotional intelligence has been related in previous studies to sports practice and physical activity. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effects of extracurricular sports practice, sports grouping (collective or individual), and gender on the emotional intelligence of adolescents. The sample comprised 384 secondary school students. Students averaged 14.1 years, being 53.5% girls and 46.5% boys. The measurement of emotional intelligence was carried out using the Bar-On’s Emotional Intelligence Inventory Youth Version (EQ-I: YV, Bar-On and Parker, 2000). Results showed that there is an uneven development in the different dimensions of emotional intelligence among Spanish secondary school students (h2=.478), with general mood and interpersonal intelligence being the most prominent features. In addition, girls outperformed boys in interpersonal (h2=.014) and intrapersonal intelligences (h2=.023), reaching boys higher scores in adaptability (h2=.016). At the same time, an impact of extracurricular sports practice and, in particular, of team sports on the students’ general state of mind was detected (h2=.028), while intrapersonal intelligence is directly related to the practice of individual sports. Finally, an interaction effect (h2=.032) between sport grouping and sex was observed in intrapersonal intelligence, indicating that girls could present an advantage in the development of this trait when practicing individual sports.

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