Modelos de evaluación de la calidad de programas de computación e informática,basados en Educación a Distancia y Virtual

  1. Rodrigo, Covadonga 1
  1. 1 Dpto. de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
Hacia la transformación de la calidad en programas basados en TIC
  1. Alma Rosa García Gaona (coord.)
  2. Francisco Javier Álvarez Rodríguez (coord.)

Publisher: Consejo Nacional de Acreditación en Informática y Computación

ISBN: 978-607-97086-1-0

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 17-34

Type: Book chapter


Higher education institutions should be made more flexible and develop new ways of integrating information andcommunications technology in the training process to adapt to the new learning needs and context. In addition, it is necessaryto apply the user-centered design as a central part of the learning process, as students are intrinsically responsible for theirpersonal achievements and level of interaction, the role of teachers much change to content curators and not mere producersand transmitters, instructional design must be adapted to new means of course delivery. It is therefore necessary to make aparadigm shift in order to define and evaluate the quality of the academic programs, of the learning content and the newmodes of delivery, and even teacher’s accreditation and evaluation of academic performance. Qualifications in the field ofComputer Science suffer especially the speed and vertigo of these changes, also occurring in the corresponding productivesector, which specifically affects the flexibility of the adaptation of curricula to labor market needs.