The Application of Genetic Algorithms for the Thermoeconomic Optimization of Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plants

  1. Duran, MD
  2. de Antonio, AR
  3. Valdes, M
Energy-Efficient, Cost-Effective and Environmentally-Sustainable Systems and Processes, Vols 1-3
  1. Rivero, R (coord.)
  2. Monroy, L (coord.)
  3. Pulido, R (coord.)
  4. Tsatsaronis, G (coord.)

ISBN: 968-489-027-3

Año de publicación: 2004

Páginas: 1421-1432

Congreso: 17th International Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy and Process Systems (ECOS 2004)

Tipo: Aportación congreso