Libros de estilo en la prensa digital.Estilo comparativo en los diarios de referencia.
- Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino Zuzendaria
Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 2022(e)ko apirila-(a)k 21
- María Luisa Sánchez Calero Presidentea
- Juan García Crego Idazkaria
- José Soengas Pérez Kidea
- Carmen Marta Lazo Kidea
- Sara Osuna Acedo Kidea
Mota: Tesia
The Style Books have been, since their incorporation into the newsrooms, a reference for both journalists and public opinion, whose purpose is to gauge the value, honesty and quality of the messages that each of the media issues and they are embedded in society. Its content, prepared mainly by professionals who are responsible for telling citizens the reality on a daily basis, through the different journalistic genres, affects broadcasters as well as receivers. When the citizen has a newspaper in his hands and knows how it has been produced, he reaffirms himself in the values that this media outlet wants to transmit, he knows what standards journalists have used to prepare the product, he knows the procedure that each of professionals to show the reader the reality and value that exercise that starts from the writing to be shared by all...