El síndrome ¡AHÍ! y su relación con los trastornos cardiovasculares

  1. Enrique García Fernández-Abascal 1
  2. María Dolores Martín Díaz 2
  1. 1 Universitad de Cantabria
  2. 2 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Ansiedad y estrés

ISSN: 1134-7937

Year of publication: 1994

Volume: 0

Issue: 0

Pages: 25-36

Type: Article

More publications in: Ansiedad y estrés


This study examines the role of AHA! Syndrome (Anger, Hostility and Aggression) and their relation with the coronary artery disease. A review of the definitions of these three factors, the several components themselves and the relation between them is realized. A study of the evolution of the investigation's state in these at components since it begins to work with them, the firsts works, even at the present time, is presented. A compilation of the most important works of cross-sectional and longitudinal that establishs or no an association between anger, hostility and coronary artery disease at varied population groups, is realized. A compilation of the existent models that explain the union between components and the coronary artery disease from varied points of view is realized. Finally, the critical points and problems that supposes the study and appraisal of the anger and the hostility, is comented.

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