Claves para la comunicación intercultural entre España y Chinaun acercamiento desde la etnografía de la comunicación

  1. Lin, Ye
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Manuel Hernández Campoy Director
  2. Juan Antonio Cutillas Espinosa Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 02 December 2022

  1. Chelo Vargas Sierra Chair
  2. Belén Zapata Barrero Secretary
  3. Tamara García Vidal Committee member

Type: Thesis


The formulas of communication are characteristics of both the ethnography of communication and sociolinguistics that together lead to the analysis and observation of the interactions in the world. Taking Dell Hymes' ideas and theories as a basis, the proposed work is a vast research on interculturality from the linguistic bases of the ethnography of communication between the countries of China and Spain, since it is of utmost importance to recognize the direct and indirect contacts that these two countries primarily maintain at a political, economic and social level. The development of this work is focused on presenting the theories on the mentioned topics to carry out an analysis with regards to the conversations between the two countries, with the purpose of identifying the common keys to communication or reference points that can be developed, not only between these two nations, but also between others; maintaining intercultural relations as a primary form of communication