El exilio chileno contado por mujeresla experiencia del proyecto “Exiliadas” en Madrid y Barcelona

  1. Carolina Espinoza Cartes 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02msb5n36

Mobilitzacions socials i esquerra radical: Actes del II Congrés Les altres protagonistes de la transició

Publisher: Centre d'Estudis sobre les Epoques Franquista i Democràtica ; Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona = Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Fundació Salvador Seguí

ISBN: 978-84-87218-28-6

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 985-1006

Type: Book chapter


Chilean exilie after the coup d'état in 1973 left an indelible mark on the lives of nearly 400 thousand people who had to leave their lives abruptly after an experience of repression, torture and persecution. Of this figure, 30% were women who left for countries in many cases of unknown languages and cultures and without a host for refugees, to start a new life. The literary project Exiliadas seeks to recover that memory, with a gender perspective, in a book that will gather testimonies of exiles who stayed to live in the most emblematic countries of the Chilean exile such as Spain, France, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Cuba and Argentina. In this literary project, where the discourse of these displaced people has special significance, the migration of these women is analyzed, under the following thematic axes: exit from Chile, arrival in the host country,militancy and insertion.