El maltrato intragénero y transgénero en la escena española de las últimas décadas
ISSN: 0212-5889, 2695-4257
Ano de publicación: 2023
Número: 39
Páxinas: 53-70
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Anales de Literatura Española
A balance that results from having studied several specialized sources reveals a gradual increase in studies referring to intragender violence, although we are still facing specific and localized approaches, since, for the most part, the monographs of reference are due to Anglo-Saxon specialists –specifically Americans– and are focused on investigating the prevalence of the phenomenon and the influential psychosocial variables in LGTBphobia. As far as Spanish-speaking countries are concerned, there are few published essays on specific abuse in LGTBI relationships, without detracting from the commendable work of those who have provided substantial keys to study abuse in this area. In the Spanish context, it is striking that there are no official statistics on this scourge and that only a small group of works provide data on the victimization of this group. Different is the sphere of the cultural industry, in which intra and transgender aggressions become visible on the current stage. This essay offers a commentary on a selection of plays that are considered emblematic of the commitment to denouncing violence in couples in which one of its members is gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans or non-binary, an aspect insufficiently studied in the contemporary Spanish theater. In recent decades we can appreciate a greater concentration of productions on this subject in Spanish theaters, but plays that respond to prejudices or fall into the cliche remain outside our observation. The ones we have chosen are those that argue that the relationship maintained by people of the same sex or by trans people is comparable to that established in heterosexual unions. Therefore, this plays explain that the concept of a victim of gender-based abuse cannot only be applicable to a woman, but to any person subjected to a role of subordination in the couple according to a patriarchal gender stereotype. At the base, there is the conviction that it is possible to gather in a similar categorý «gender-based violence», «intragender violence» and «transgender violence».
Información de financiamento
Este ensayo se ha realizado en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación «Escrituras, imágenes y testimonio en las autoras hispánicas contemporáneas III. Exilios y migraciones» (PID2021-124858NB-I00), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.Financiadores
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