Estudio de la influencia de la ansiedad y sus variables mediadoras sobre el rendimiento deportivo

  1. Salom Martorell, Miguel
Supervised by:
  1. Alexandre García Mas Director

Defence university: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 29 March 2023

  1. José María Buceta Fernández Chair
  2. Pere Antoni Borràs Rotger Secretary
  3. Elisa Isabel Sánchez Romero Committee member

Type: Thesis


The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to find valid and applicable conclusions about competitive anxiety for athletes. To achieve this, the present work begins by reflecting on the relationship between competitive anxiety and sports performance, then it studies the relationship between team dynamics and competitive anxiety and finally, it explores the impact of a third-generation mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapies intervention on the construct of competitive anxiety. Being aware of the limitations of the articles that make up the thesis, support is sought in the existing bibliography to try to reach generalizable conclusions. The entire population studied belongs to the field of competition sports and therefore the conclusions are considered valid exclusively for this context. The main findings are that there seems to be no direct relationship between competitive anxiety and sports performance, that there is a very robust relationship between the willingness of conditioned cooperation and competitive anxiety, and finally that the MAC intervention protocol based on ACT and mindfulness is an effective method to reduce anxiety in the sports context. Further research is proposed to obtain explanations of the results obtained from a neuro scientific perspective.