La problemática de la Metafísica de Aristóteles a la luz de la «ἐνέργεια»

  1. Villodres Maldonado, David
Human Review: International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades

ISSN: 2695-9623

Any de publicació: 2021

Títol de l'exemplar: 500 years of Greek Legacy

Volum: 10

Número: 2

Pàgines: 241-260

Tipus: Article


Altres publicacions en: Human Review: International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades


We approach the problem about the meaning of Aristotle's Metaphysics from a perspective that, beyond the historiographic and hermeneutical approach of contemporary Aristotelianism, seeks its foundation in the very analytic-modal nature of the first philosophy centered on the concept of ἐνέργεια. Based on this approach, we discard that the text entitled «Metaphysics», whose authorship is attributed to Andrónico de Rodas, is an exposition of Aristotle's first philosopher, defending a new configuration of it in which the metaphysical and logical treatises, published in the corpus Aristotelicum separately, are integral moments of it.

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