Valoración biopsicosocial en pacientes con patología mamaria oncológica quirúrgica

  1. Olivares, M.ª Eugenia
  2. Martín Díaz, María Dolores
  3. Román, José María
  4. Moreno, Arazazu
Psicooncología: investigación y clínica biopsicosocial en oncología

ISSN: 1696-7240

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 7

Issue: 1

Pages: 81-98

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicooncología: investigación y clínica biopsicosocial en oncología


The versatility in surgical therapy of breast cancer, requires the identification of differences in psychological impact. Thus, psychological interventions should be closely associated with the results from investigations to identify training needs. The sample of this study consists of 438 women diagnosed with breast cancer gene mutation carriers undergoing surgery. The dependent variables studied were sociodemographic and medical, anxietydepression (HADS), quality of life (QLQ-C30), quality of life in breast cancer (QLQ-BR23) and body image (BIS). The results of this study are similar to those proposed in the current literature in this area of knowledge. Patients undergoing radical surgery had a higher level of anxiety symptoms and worse body image. Women who received reconstructive surgery, however, showed better quality of life levels, both overall and in the scale of emotion. Women who underwent conservative surgery showed higher levels in the scale of the role of quality of life. Finally, women undergoing prophylactic surgery had higher scores on symptoms as fatigue, pain, symptoms in the breast and arm, the worst levels on role and social scales, and greater sexual enjoyment. Surgeries involving the use of prosthesis (prophylactic and restorative), were used in younger women, showing higher levels of anxiety and better sexual functioning. Patients who received medical treatment before the actual surgery, had more side effects, worse body image and a higher number of radical surgery.

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